Saturday, January 26, 2008

You Gettin' Lippy?

VERN: What the hell is lip augmentation?

SAM: Where did you hear about lip augmentation?

VERN: Brandi. I took her to the movies last night and couldn't hear a damn thing over her yakking about lip augmentation.

SAM: Most would consider it a surgical process, various substances are approved for injection or other implantation in the lips to make them appear larger. I don't know the current procedures, but there were some problems with past procedures involving the use of certain silicone products.

VERN: bathroom caulking?

SAM: I haven't ever thought about it that way, but yes, it probably is similar to bathroom caulking.

VERN: Why would they do that?

SAM: To look more like Angelina Jolie.

VERN: They'll need more than bathroom caulking in their lips.

SAM: True. Very true.

VERN: That elf princess on The Rings movie has nice lips.

SAM: Liv Tyler?

VERN: Yeah, that's her. And the actress in the Bond movie, Christmas something or other.

SAM: Denise Richards?

VERN: Yeah, those are nice lips.

SAM: I would call them luscious.

VERN: Luscious!?

SAM: Why not?

VERN: Luscious lips. Luscious lips are not made with bathroom caulking.

SAM: Nope, the best lips are made by nature.

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